Wow, one day three series completed.
Our first series was the 5th, Land Double with Dead Rooster & Hen Flyer. We started at 7:56 am with the first running dog and ended at 9:43 am. We had 24 dogs to start and we dropped one due to a pick up. Dog #15 was the only one to get a no bird, however, he got 2 times.
The second series for the day was 6th, Water Double where the ducks where thrown 322 yards and 252 yards from the mat. We started this series at 10:42 with dog #20 and ended it at 1:44 pm. Callbacks came in and 21 dogs were called back to the 7th. The two dogs dropped, one had to be resent and the other needed assistance from the gunners.
The third and final test for the day was the quick 7th Series Land Double with two hen Pheasants. We started this test at 2:49 pm and completed it at 4:04 pm. Just under two hours all 21 dogs competed this test. We only had one no bird/re-run with our first dog to the line. 21 dogs were called and 1 dogs was dropped.
That is it for Day 3! I know this blogger is going to relax her fingers tonight! 😉
Hope you all are enjoying the Retriever News Blog and we will be back at tomorrow!