3rd Series

3rd Series - Land Double with Two Dead Pheasants

Test 3 is a land double. Both birds are dead roosters. Theses birds are both thrown to the right.

Bird 1 is located 242 yards from the mat on the mid right side of the field. The gunners are sitting on the left side of a gravel road that runs straight through the property. They shoot then throw the rooster across the road to the base of a tree with bushy cover surrounding the trunk. The line to this bird takes the dog down a hill on a right angle. Then up the next hill to get across the road and to the bird. There is a large clump of brush approximately 40 yards short of the gunners that can push the dogs either right towards the bird or left towards a wide open hillside.

Bird 2 is 238 yards from the mat on the handler's right side. The gunners shoot and throw to the right. The line to this bird takes the dog on a right angle down a hill. The dog must continue this angle up a hill, across two roads and then out into an open field. These gunners are sitting in a neutral position with open areas on all four sides where the dogs can hunt.