Tuesday, October 6, 2020

3rd Series - Test Dogs

Test Dog 1 - KC Back To The Future, GM "Marty

Came to the line at 7:48 am.

Go Bird - Marty went out towards the guns then hooked left and got behind them. He carried this line on to the right side and got his bird.

Bird 2 - He went out past the guns on the left side and got deep. He turned and worked his way back down to the bird.

Test Dog 2 - Just A Tubb Of Croc's, LF "TC"

Go Bird - TC has a great angle going out. She went under the arc, then go a little deep. She made a quick turn that put her on the bird.

Bird 2 - On a great line, she came out just deep of the tree. A turn there then a turn deep, she came back to the tree and then to her bird.